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06 July 2017

100-Day Project #1 - Adaptability

#1 Adaptability

My no.1 recently had to overcome a challenge, a physical challenge and one that even I cringed at the mere thought of it :( I will not share it in detail here as I know that she would prefer to keep it private.

At first she was very distraught about it. She cried bitterly and for that moment, I was really at a loss for what to say and do. Being Mommy for more than 10 years, it still did not prepare me for this moment. It wasn't something that was easy to accept nor get use to. It is not something that is over in a while. It will be a VERY LONG while. I know I had (need) to get her out from that black hole and I was very grateful to have a light bulb go off shortly.

Putting it into perspective, she quickly thought through and accepted it. With her dark cloud lifted, she was back to her chirpy and cheeky self. Though she still had reservations, it was not that dark deep kind. Rather, she took it off in a totally new direction and could even come up with advantages of having it!

The D-Day came when she had to face that physical challenge for real. She took it bravely. I was pretty worried and kept checking with her if she was ok. After the 3rd time asking, she told me "Mommy, don't worry ok? I will probably forget about it 10mins later!"

Adaptability - able to adjust oneself readily to different conditions

She taught me that. No matter how tough or difficult the situation, she had taught me again and again that adaptability saves the day (and your sanity too!). Adapting to the new condition also meant a new perspective which then makes everything else much easier.

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