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15 September 2016

Surviving Kidszania - The Essentials (a 2 part series)

My No.1 and No.2 were excited beyond words when we got tickets to Kidszania. Yes, it is exam period now for No.1 but we decided to let her have a breather during the recent 1 week school holidays before she faces the MAJOR exam. Kidszania being the newest attraction in town was definitely on their list of MUST-GO!

I was advised by a friend to get my adult tickets online as one could get a discount when I use MayBank credit card to pay. Alas! I realised when trying to do so that ALL adult tickets MUST be accompanied by at least one child ticket! As we already have the tickets for the kiddos, I was rather disappointed that I could not get the discounted rate. To me, having to pay $35 to go in seemed quite a rip-off as we adults definitely are NOT going to do any role play :(

Anyways, no worries on that as I discovered that I still get a 10% when I buy a ticket at the counter using a MayBank credit card. The tickets were designed to look like air tickets, a refreshing change. Best of all, you get to keep it as a memory keepsake. All the better for my scrapbooking!

Now, let's talk about the QUEUE before we actually step into Kidszania. It opens at 10am. We ignorantly thought that we could buy me a ticket and breeze in. What greeted us when we arrived were SNAKES of people in QUEUE just to get in! And we were early, at 9.50am! Moral of the story? Arrive at least 30mins before the stated opening hours to join in the snaking queue especially if you are going during the school holidays or weekends! We spent at least 30mins in the queue to be tagged, buy (my) ticket and finally to step into Kidszania.

Before we reach the counter, we were "tagged". All of us are given a watch-like tag to be worn at the wrist. It can be quite tight so do ask for adjustment if needed. This tag will be with you the entire duration of your Kidszania journey! At the counter, besides your tickets, you will be given the city map and a leaflet asking you to be a citizen of Kidszania. Be forewarned though, they only give you ONE map. Yes, one SINGLE map. Need more? Download and print them from here before you go. 
Note -  there are TWO pages of the city map, one for each level.

Some other general information:
1) Kidszania is a "city" with no re-entry. Unlike most theme parks like Universal Studios etc, you could get a hand stamp at exit to re-enter without charge on the same day. Not so for Kidszania. Its a one time enter and exit. If you want to re-enter again on the same day, it means the cost of another ticket!

2) 3G is available in Kidszania though the connection can be wonky at times. Still it was good enough for me to keep hubby updated on the kids "progress" :)

3) All activities have an "economy". The " - " in an economy means that your child will need to pay to do this activity while a " + " means that your child will earn kidZos$ after doing this activity. All amount mentioned in an activity will be kidZos$ and not actual money. Apart from buying food and making the paZZport, you will not be using any real money in this "city" :)

4) All activities have a maximum number of participants per session. Most children in queues will get a colored band to wear when they are in queue. For instance, if this activity only allow 6 children per session, 6 bands of the same color will be given to the first 6 kids in the queue. The next 6 kids will get a different colored band. This is to prevent queuing for others and parents are NOT allowed to queue for their kids. All kids need to be present in the queue. After receiving the colored band, the child must inform the assistant if he wants to leave the queue. and return the band unless going to the toilet.

5) Most activities take at least 20mins or 30mins to complete. A good time to rest your feet IF you can find a seat. Otherwise be prepared to stand, stand, and stand! To make good use of those 20mins? I source out next possible activity (reads - least number of people in queue!). I actually managed to get quite a workout by walking and standing most of the 10 hours that we were there! Yes, you read that correctly - TEN HOURS!

First Stop - Maybank (level one).
The kids will each receive a ATM Card ($30 kidZos in it) and $20 kidZos in cash. You need to activate the ATM Card before you can use it. Do this before you start any activity as you definitely do not want to spend 60mins in queue only to have your child be booted out as the ATM Card is not activated (= not useable). Once activated, you can also choose to "bank in" the given $20 kidZos cash into the ATM Card for ease of carrying. I asked my kids to do so in other to avoid missing cash. With $0, the given $50 is rather precious! 
Note - Your child will need to do this himself and parents are NOT allowed into the bank. There are Kidszania assistants on hand to help them.

Second Stop - PaZZport Office (level two)
This is to register your child as a citizen of Kidszania. This is completely optional. It will make you $18 (real money) poorer and your child will get a PaZZport and a pull-string bag. This PaZZport allows your child to save or earn $2 kidZos in all activities. Depending on the "economy" of each activity, your child will either earn kidZos$ or pay kidZos$. For example, if the "economy" of an activity states "- $10 kidZos" it means that the child needs to pay that amount. With a paZZport, the child then only pay $8 kidZos instead of $10 kidZos. Conversely, if the "economy" for an activity states "+$10 kidZos" then with this paZZport, your child will learn $12 kidZos instead.

Third Stop - University (level one)
While waiting for them to activate their ATM cards, I wandered around and chanced upon this "University". There are 3 "degrees" offered in this "University" namely "Business & Finance", "Mass Communications" and "Biochemistry & Engineering". Each degree has its stipulated timeslots for "lessons". After attending the said session, your child will receive a card corresponding to the "degree" that he had attended. This card allows your child to receive additional $2 kidZos over and above the extra earned with a paZZport. Which mean - a +$10 kidZos is now +$14 kidZos ($2 from paZZport and $2 from the "degree"). Then again, each degree has specific activities that earn the extra $2 kidZos. It will be printed on the card itself for easy reference. As my kiddos were keen on Biochemistry & Engineering, that was the one they attended first and foremost, earning them the card you see below.

Overall, the kiddos could only start on the activities proper after 60mins or so of queuing (to get in), activating the ATM Card and making the paZZport. I used these times to comb through the map and to check the activities that are a must-do. However, do prepare your kiddos that they may not be able to do all of what they want, especially the popular ones. You may be taken aback at how long the queue is and the antics parents get up to, so as to let their kids do the activities! More on this in my next post.

Some activities may have a double queue. This means that you queue once to get the queue card and then back a second time at 15mins prior to your allocated slot for the activity itself. These includes the Candy Shop, Pilot and Cabin Crew. Other popular ones like Firefighter, Paramedic, Surgeon, Radiologist, Police, CSI, Driver means queues as long as 120mins!

Always always check the information available at the start of the queue. It will tell you things like the "economy", the maximum number of participants per session, duration of the session etc. It will also tell you if any additional cards can be used like the University card etc. Also, best to do some activity to "earn" some kidZos$ first as $50 can only last you that long. Most paying activity costs $10 kidZos! Be forewarned though, not all queues start at the door. Some may be at the back of the building, some at the side. I generally take a pre-look while my kids queue at another activity.

Some other must-haves...
1) Water. Going from activity to activity can be tiring but the kids will be so high that they forget to drink. I always make sure that they take a mouthful of water while waiting in line.

2) Small Snacks. Most kids will be so excited to complete activities that they may not want to take time out to have some food. I brought along small snacks like cereal bars, M&M, individually packed biscuits etc. They devour these while queuing up. Best not to have anything oily or messy though. If you choose to get food inside, the prices can be scary. A slice of pizza cost $5 and above and the choices aren't a lot. A more wallet friendly place will be Soup Spoon whereby the prices are same as actual retail prices. That was where I settled my lunch as well :)

3) Small pouch or wallet. After the kids go through some activities, you may start to accumulate cards and kidZos$ cash. You will at least get the ATM card, the paZZport (if you register) and other cards such as the one from the University etc. Having a small pouch/wallet for each child makes holding all these easier than fumbling for them when needed.

4) At the end of the day, you can choose to keep the kidZos cash or bank into the ATM card. If you plan to bring your kids to other overseas Kidszaniz outlets, then you will need to cash out all the money in your account. KidZos$ are useable in all Kidszania outlets internationally but only in cash form. ATM is unique only to the Singapore outlet. I have asked my kids to bank in the cash to avoid it being lost.

5) Exit. The exit is through the "immigration" but you will probably be routed to pass through the Kidszania store before going to the exit. Items at the Kidszania store are bought using real actual money. We did not browse through the store as the kids were already exhausted and hungry! At the exit, you will be de-tagged before exiting.

My next post will focus on our experience going through the activities, the fun and of course the not-so-fun of our Kidszania experience! Stay tuned!

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