N Studio started a year ago, born out of my love for handmade things, and to start a new direction for myself, to see if it could work. Being a stay at home mom has always been my first choice of 'career'. Despite being so, I know too that I will not be truly happy unless I have a small goal, something to call my own, something that I could work towards. Thus I started N Studio, giving what I do a name, an identity that I could work towards establishing.
I had been creating hair accessories for a few years so naturally I started N Studio on these familiar grounds. A simple hairclip is not as simple. Alot of thoughts goes into the design, color, coordination of patterns, choice of hardware, target age group etc. Alot of hard, back breaking work goes into it as well, from selecting ribbons, colors, design of bows or resins to be used, to literal glue sniffing, getting fingers burnt literally by the hot glue gun, sealing the ribbon ends and bending over the table making the hairclip itself. I guess only those who had made them would know how much work and love have gone onto it.
Yet when selling them, many a times what we hear are comments on how expensive the hairclips are, if they are durable (because they are handmade) and worst of it all, being compared to factory made clips that are alot cheaper. It hurts, alot. It is also a fact that I need to acknowledge and accept, that the local market just isn't friendly to such goods. The appreciation for unique handmade items are different.
I know that to make sure N Studio float, I need to expand my product base. I started to experiment with beads and jewelry. Though I had some small success from these, I knew it wasn't really my first love and the amount of stock I have in ribbons (imagine if I unroll all my ribbons, I could easily fill a bathtub!) takes me on a really LOOONG guilt trip. I know that I need to stay on this material and I need new directions.
I made my first ribbon lanyard for a friend's daughter. She loved a certain ribbon design yet is too old to be wearing it as a hair accessory. I then created the lanyard using the ribbon and she loved it! With help from friends' words of mouth I started to make lanyards on order, especially for goody bags. Recently a retail store started to carry my lanyards as well and sales, though not fantastic (yet.... I can hope can't I?) but is picking up and boy am I grateful! As these lanyards can be made with one's preferred ribbons, its a great choice to give something different in a goody bag, something handmade and unique. The reasonable price is another pull factor though it also meant low profit margin :(
Making lanyards then sparked off another direction for N Studio. As I helped friends with their goody bags, I started to see a need for customized goody bags especially to a certain budget and theme. I then decided to give it a go and launch this as a new service. I packed goody bags using the customer's budget and theme (if any). Teacher's Day was my launching pad and there were decent orders to make me smile.
Have I given up on hair accessories? Not totally. I designed new accessories and am now in the midst of making them for the launch. This new accessory combines different crafting methods and I am so happy to see it turn out well :) I hope that the launch will go well which brings me to my update on N Studio.
N Studio will be at MOE HQ today, yes TODAY :) Its the one next to Bouna Vista MRT. If you work there, do drop by the canteen to take a look at my lanyards. Unfortunately, these will my only item there as its a friend's stall and I am only asking for her help to have the lanyards put on sale. If anyone is interested in customized lanyard or goody bags, you can also contact me at asknstudio@yahoo.com.sg
My full stall will be on Sunday, 26 Oct at The Pinnacle. I will be having my own stall there and other than the lanyards, I will also be having my newly designed hair accessory :) Apart from the above, I am also awaiting confirmation on another setup in a cafe on another October Sunday as well. I will keep all updated again on this :)
I hope to get more stalls soon. I also feel that it is better for customers to see and feel the product themselves in real time. However, as with handmade items, time is needed for the products to be made and I do not believe in rushed, under quality products so please bear with me while I try my best to fulfill orders.
So, I hope to see you at one of my stalls! Do introduce yourself when we meet so that I could put a face to the name who had been appreciating my creations!
✴ FREE NORMAL LOCAL POSTAGE by Big Momma SG. Read post here for details!
✴ WASHI TAPES GRAB BAGS GIVEAWAY ! There will be 3 winners! Read post here for details of entering! Ends 15 October 2014.
✴ FREE NORMAL LOCAL POSTAGE by Big Momma SG. Read post here for details!
✴ WASHI TAPES GRAB BAGS GIVEAWAY ! There will be 3 winners! Read post here for details of entering! Ends 15 October 2014.
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