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23 October 2014

How I Organise My Photos For Archiving & Project Life

First and foremost I must apologise :(

I prepped Tuesday's post and published it on time schedule or so I thought! I then did not give it another thought till Wednesday when I was prepping Thursday post. Upon coming into my account, I realized that I had a draft saved and was wondering what was that. Imagine my utter horror when I saw that it was Tuesday's post!!! Apparently I had forgot to hit the Publish button! I am so so so very sorry :(

So instead of cramping two posts into a day, I have decided to go with the flow and just come in to add these paragraphs so that you know what happened. So without further ado, here's Tuesday's thoughts published on a Thursday :P


Being a Project Lifer means tons of tons of photos. Not only that but I need to have a coherent yet simple to use archival system so that I know where to look when I dig through my digital photo albums.

I have used this system for over 3 years and found it to be effective yet simple. It doesn't involve any fancy programs or apps, just spend 20mins at the beginning of the year and its done! I am still currently using this system just that I have refined it to save me more time. Interested? Read on.... ...

At the beginning of a year or ideally the end of last year, I would spend 20mins readying the folders to keep the photos. Do note that I am referring to digital folders and not the physical ones. These photos will be labeled as "Week X, Date of period." For example, Week 1, 01-07 January 2014. I will do this for each and every 52 weeks in a year. Photos will then be dropped into the correct folder as they are taken.
This system works great for Project Life (PL) and personally as well. Why? Well you will be able to understand if you have a hubby like mine. He is oh-so-trigger happy when it comes to photo taking. He can take TONS of shots for just ONE pose/place etc. To worsen the situation, he believes in taking but NOT deleting!!! Can you just about imagine the numbers of photos I have to archive? If it is still in the age of film camera, I would be literally drowning in film strips!!!

Another hubby related reason will be that he loves to just give me a date or a range of dates and ask me to go dig for a certain photo! If its photos of big events like vacation or birthday, 
I can probably remember when and where. Imagine he ask you to find a photo of the one taken when we were at XXX Restaurant about 2 months ago.....!??! Yes I know... weird hubby I have there..
With the purchase of a tablet a year ago, I found myself working and using the tablet more than my netbook. For one, its lighter to carry around. Its fast startup and shutdown was another deciding factor as mummy to young kids will tell you - no matter what you were doing, you heard him cry, you drop EVERYTHING and RUN. I most definitely DO NOT  have the time to wait for a normal laptop to shutdown.
 Acer Ionia W3-810

Since Ionia W3 is on a Windows based operating system, its easy to start using. With this. I was also introduced to a new cloud-like data storage called "OneDrive". This is available as an app as well and I totally love it!!! Since 99.9% of my photos were taken on my iPhone, the app version was godsend. I was able to set such that it automatically updates my OneDrive whenever I take a photo with my iPhone. It does the same with videos as well. This then saves me so much time instead of having to upload from iPhone to tablet/netbook regularly. So now by having OneDrive in both iPhone and app, I can access my photos easily.
All in all, it is a system that works awesomely, for me. So, what is your system?

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