"Expects Nothing, Appreciates Everything"
I recently came across this quote rather unexpectedly, I must say. It was while I was searching for inspiration on Pinterest and this quote came up, engraved on a pendant. It resonated with me, very much so.
My first encounter with appreciation came when I started scrapbooking. It gave me a chance to express my feelings and my thoughts, in creative ways that I never thought I could. When that waned due to lack of time (3 kids do that to you), I was glad to have found Project Life. It allowed even daily small thoughts to recorded and appreciated. Nothing is too small, too insignificant or too trivial to be recorded. And I. Love. It.
I may not be current, in fact I am a year behind. Yet I strives on, having my moments recorded on a daily basis using an app on my mobile before transferring these thoughts along with the photos into the album.
Appreciating everything takes training, yes, TRAINING. I need to consciously be aware and take a photo, make a note etc. It was tiring at the start, and it feels, you know, trivial. Like I am doing something unimportant, something stupid even, like recording how my gal love to blow bubbles when brushing teeth. (Note: don't ask me how she does it but she did so, many times!), like recording my firstborn's first high score on a game etc. It was all worth it though and I got my validation very recently only.
My gals were looking through last year's Project Life album and they commented on things like "yeah hor, we went here for dinner and this happened" and "hey I have forgotten about that!" It was cute, adorable, heartwarming and gratified all rolled into one very very satisfying moment. Another unexpected validation came from my strong-but-silent hubby when we were talking to a common friend on snapping photos and he said "oh she takes everything and then puts in an album for daily record" That may not mean much to most people, but having come from my mostly silent hubby, it was support, in its purest form.
I actively look for things/moments to appreciate. Like the freshly brewed cup of tea left by my hubby on the kitchen top this morning. The insistent long hugs and good nights from my gals, the giggles from my baby, the sound and smell of rain, the light from turning dusk to dawn streaming into my bedroom this morning. It is all treasured, my treasured moments.
Going back to the quote, how about expecting nothing? Isn't that ridiculous?
Actually no :) I have always said I try to expect nothing. Not that I am foolish, more I want to be surprised, contented and happy. When I expects nothing, anything good that happens becomes a treat, a surprise. It was not taken for granted, not a given, not a must. Just like the cup of tea from my hubby. Yes, it is small, most people will say its just a cup of tea, so? Yet, as easily so, he could have just left for work, just don't remember that I always like something hot in the morning. But he did not. He took the time to brew a cup, kept it warm and left it where he knew I will be sure to see it. I totally absolutely appreciates that :)
Actually no :) I have always said I try to expect nothing. Not that I am foolish, more I want to be surprised, contented and happy. When I expects nothing, anything good that happens becomes a treat, a surprise. It was not taken for granted, not a given, not a must. Just like the cup of tea from my hubby. Yes, it is small, most people will say its just a cup of tea, so? Yet, as easily so, he could have just left for work, just don't remember that I always like something hot in the morning. But he did not. He took the time to brew a cup, kept it warm and left it where he knew I will be sure to see it. I totally absolutely appreciates that :)
Just like I appreciate the big moments in life, delivering a child, my baby's first step, my first kiss and many more. I want to pay attention to small things like these. Things that I would have missed if I did not pay attention, things that warms my heart from inside out.
So have you started your "training" yet? To train your heart, eyes and mind to little things around you that will and should be appreciated. And in the long run, we will be a happier and more contended person :)
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